Discover Meekly: The Curse of the Metroplex Triumvirate

by Tom Bosworth // May 1, 2020

I had an extremely cursed drive from my brother’s house to my mom’s house today: it’s about an hour and a half on several different major highways, the George W. Bush Turnpike, the LBJ Freeway and also Tom Landry’s Highway, because apparently anyone can get a major interstate named after themselves around here. Anyways, Texas opened up for business today (yeehaw!) so the road was clogged with every Karen from here to the Brazos river aching to get her highlights redone. I was passed by a herd of F-150s going at least three hundred mph, hit a pothole that makes the Barringer Crater blush, and had the misfortune of witnessing an R.V. that had a custom spare-tire cover that said, and I wish I was kidding, “I need toilet paper for my bunghole.”

So that’s how things are in the Lonestar State, but at least I had some great driving music. I was blessed by my own discover weekly playlist a couple weeks ago, and found the upbeat, folksy quartet, Kuinka. Their most-played song, “Warsaw” is simply incredible, and it has a gorgeous, if not confused music video.

I turned to my friend Francie for some wisdom on this wild piece of media, and they said, wisely “He’s racist because… He was abducted by aliens?” Which yes, does seem to be the messaging here.

But they have a decently wide range that will make you want to kiss your darlin’ at the hoedown or bang on the washboard. They’re songs are also curse-word-free so you can listen with grandma or your zoom bible study.

Here are some of my favorites of their discography for easy listenin’