by Antônio // September 25, 2022
I had to google it to be sure of how it goes exactly, but there is this quote that, at least for me, dictates many of my daily social interactions.
“Tell me who your friends are listen to, and I will tell you who you are.“
This echoes in my mind whenever I find myself having to get to know people. It happens in family gatherings; on the first week of classes; during a group project, or — as I recently learnt to be another challenge: at a study abroad program.
I am currently in Madrid for the Spanish FSP. Supposedly, the whole point of this is wrapping up my minor and getting to know a different culture and different people. But, to my own despair, my boyfriend (who could have taken the program requirements with me early in the year 😫) is on the other side of the world (ok,,, not so far): Buenos Aires! While I am in an FSP, Luka is in the department’s LSA+ program. How cool? Really cool! But really far…

Long-distance relationships have their quirks and perks, but that’s a story for another post. Music, undoubtedly, is part of our efforts to remain connected. And, today, I use our eight months anniversary (how gay 😫😫) as an excuse to kick off a much-awaited series on the WebDCR blog:
✨✨ Study abroad as playlists! ✨✨
As part of our blog’s hopes of representing and engaging our radio community to its best, we will be kickstarting a miniseries of soundtracks for FSPs, LSAs, and LSA+s our DJs (and adjacent friends) have to share!
These are not necessarily local songs, as I am gradually learning being abroad as well. In Madrid, we do not listen to only Spanish music; and I don’t think anyone would do that! Thus, I hereby present you our first episode/playlist/soundtrack/musical experience off-Hanover limits: a Buenos Aires playlist made by my loving and caring significant other, Luka Faccini!
Expect more playlists from across the globe (wow such citizens of the world 😎🌎) in the upcoming weeks!
te amo