wrapping up 2023 !

by Antônio // Dec 30th, 2023

Before the year comes to an end, I wanted to leave you folks with a little holiday season present. But, you know me, right? I can’t just be brief and concise. My brain just doesn’t work like that. So, instead — as evidence of my ever-growing love for our little blog community (me & the voices in my head) — I bequest you two playlists. Exactly, you heard it right: two. playlists.

Not one.

Two creations of mine. My blood, my flesh. Firstly, my Christmas playlist:

Don’t question it. Just enjoy it.

Secondly, but definitely not less important: the songs you (honestly, I) almost (actually, did) miss out on. Aka. some artists whose names I kept hearing (on tiktok maybe? can’t remember) but whose work I hadn’t had the proper time to appreciate in more detail. So, hereby I offer you a compilation of songs I don’t really know, but who I’ve been enjoying to discover:

(this is portuguese for when you have the time cus i was really sleeping on some of these artists just cus i didn’t have the time to listen to it lol)


Happy holidays !

With love,
